Wild Fire Season: What Would You Do?

Imagine this — you’re enjoying a gorgeous lakeside stay in the backcountry when you see a group of fellow travelers having a bonfire during a fire ban.

This is exactly what Chrome from Vancity Vanlife faced as he enjoyed a gorgeous stay at Jigsaw Lake, BC. But beyond disrespecting the very nature that makes vanlife so enjoyable, this story begs a moral question — is it our duty to hold others accountable within this lifestyle.

Lets dig in.

Chrome's Story at Jigsaw Lake

Chrome and his dog Cruz were soaking in the serene beauty of Jigsaw Lake, surrounded by towering trees and the tranquility that only the backcountry can offer. The air was crisp, the lake glistened under the sun, and it was the perfect vanlife retreat. However, the idyllic scene was shattered when Chrome noticed smoke rising from a nearby campsite. A group of fellow travelers had started a bonfire, despite the clear fire ban in place.

The sight was not only disheartening — but alarming. Wildfires in British Columbia had been rampant, and the region was under strict fire restrictions to prevent further outbreaks. Chrome faced a dilemma: should he confront the group and risk a potential conflict, or should he report the violation and ensure the safety of the environment and community?

Chrome grabbed his keys in a frenzy, jumped in his front seat and stated “I’m out of here. I want no part of this. You guys want to start a fire and burn the world down? I’m not going to be here for that.”

Once far enough away Chrome called to report the incident to local authorities. 

Wildfire Statistics

Did you know that 90% of wildfires are human-caused? This can be from cigarettes, campfires, vehicle issues (like breaks worn too thin), and less commonly, arson.

Wildfires destroy thousands of acres of land each year, disrupting ecosystems and displacing wildlife. In 2023 alone, wildfires in Canada burned over 15 million hectares, an area larger than the entire state of Florida.

The economic impact of wildfires is devastating as well. In 2020, the cost of wildfire suppression in the United States exceeded $2.3 billion. Additionally, the economic damage from wildfires, including property loss, healthcare costs, and lost business, often totals in the tens of billions of dollars annually.

As you can see from the chart above (all data pulled from Nifc.gov) its clear that wildfires have become increasingly destructive and costly, and its because of factors like climate change, human activity, and historical forest management practices. 

Over the past few decades, the frequency and intensity of wildfires have escalated, with significant increases in the acreage burned and the financial burden of suppression efforts, which surged from $239.9 million in 1985 to $3.166 billion in 2023. This trend highlights the urgent need for improved forest management, community preparedness, and climate action to mitigate the escalating impact of wildfires on the environment, public health, and the economy.

Other Negative Impacts We Should Hold Each Other Accountable For

Influencers like Vancity Vanlife, Hallie Treks, and Budget Vanlife With Bunny showcase the sentiment that most of the nomad community holds dear — we have to protect and preserve our public lands. However, it remains our duty to respectfully hold each other accountable.

Though I can’t find stats to back it up, as someone immersed in the nomad lifestyle, I see firsthand how this community consistently respects the Leave No Trace principles. Vanlifers and buslifers frequently pick up trash, leave spots better than they found them, and diligently follow fire bans.

When locals drive up canyons to dump garbage, and weekend warriors disrespect fire bans and misuse public lands, it reflects poorly on our community. However, by continuing to lead by example and respectfully holding each other accountable, we can help ensure that the true spirit of the nomad community remains intact and continues to protect the natural beauty we all cherish.

Lead By Example 

Leading by example is crucial in maintaining the integrity and respect for the natural beauty that defines the nomad lifestyle. Chrome's decision to report the fire ban violation instead of confronting the offenders directly exemplifies the importance of taking responsible actions for the greater good. By choosing to prioritize safety and environmental stewardship over potential conflict, Chrome demonstrated a respectful yet firm approach to accountability.

As a community, we must continue to embody these values in our daily actions. Whether it’s properly disposing of waste, adhering to fire restrictions, or educating fellow travelers about sustainable practices, each small effort contributes to a larger impact. Influencers like Vancity Vanlife, Hallie Treks, and Budget Vanlife With Bunny already set strong examples through their content, promoting responsible nomadic living.


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